Source code for poli_sci_kit.appointment.checks

Appointment Method Checks

Functions to conditionally check appointment methods.


from math import ceil, floor

import pandas as pd
from poli_sci_kit.appointment.metrics import ideal_share

[docs]def quota_condition(shares, seats): """ Checks whether assignment method results fall within the range of the ideal share rounded down and up. Notes ----- Parameters ---------- shares : list The proportion of the population or votes for the regions or parties. seats : list The share of seats given to the regions or parties. Returns ------- check_pass or fail_report: bool or list (contains tuples) A value of True, or a list of corresponding arguments where the check has failed and their indexes. """ assert len(shares) == len( seats ), "The total different shares of a population or vote must equal that of the allocated seats." check_list = [ ceil(ideal_share(s, sum(shares), sum(seats))) >= seats[i] and floor(ideal_share(s, sum(shares), sum(seats))) <= seats[i] for i, s in enumerate(shares) ] fail_report = { i: (shares[i], seats[i]) for i, c in enumerate(check_list) if c == False } check_pass = False not in check_list print("Quota condition passed:", check_pass) if check_pass: return check_pass print("Returning list of argument elements that failed the condition.") return fail_report
[docs]def consistency_condition(df_shares=None, df_seats=None, check_type="seat_monotony"): """ Checks the consistency of assignment method results given dataframes of shares and allocations. Notes ----- Rows and columns of the df(s) will be marked and dropped if consistent, with a failed condition being if the resulting df has size > 0 (some where inconsistent). Parameters ---------- df_shares : pd.DataFrame (num_region_party, num_variation; contains ints, default=None) Proportions of the population or votes for the regions or parties given variance. df_seats : pd.DataFrame (num_region_party, num_variation; contains ints, default=None) Shares of seats given to the regions or parties given variance. check_type : str Whether the consistency of a change in seats or a change in shares is checked. Options: The style of monotony to derive the consistency with. - seat_monotony : An increase in total seats does not decrease alloted seats Note: use sums of cols of df_seats, checking col element monotony given a differences in sums. - share_monotony : An increase in shares does not decrease alloted seats Note: use rows of df_shares and check coinciding elements of df_seats for monotony. Returns ------- check_pass or df_fail_report: bool or pd.DataFrame (contains ints) A value of True, or False with a df of corresponding arguments where the check has failed. """ if df_shares is not None and df_seats is not None: assert ( df_shares.shape == df_seats.shape ), "The number of share variations must be equal to the number of seat allocation variations." if check_type == "seat_monotony": df_fail_report = df_seats.copy() seat_sums = [df_seats[col].sum() for col in df_seats.columns] seat_sums_sorted_indexes = [ tup[0] for tup in sorted(enumerate(seat_sums), key=lambda i: i[1]) ] # Order seat allocation columns by increasing total. df_seats = df_seats[[df_seats.columns[i] for i in seat_sums_sorted_indexes]] # Check that elements of each column are less than corresponding # ones in later columns. check_cols = [ [ df_seats.loc[:, df_seats.columns[j]] <= df_seats.loc[:, df_seats.columns[i]] for i in range(len(df_seats.columns))[j:] ] for j in range(len(df_seats.columns)) ] # Return True if the column elements are always less than following # ones, or the str of the later columns that break the condition. # str() is used to assure that 1 != True in the later sets. check_cols = [ [True if c[j].all() == True else str(j) for j in range(len(c))] for c in check_cols ] # Return True if the column's total allotment passes the condition, # or the index of columns with which the column fails. check_cols = [ True if list(set(c))[0] == True and len(set(c)) == 1 else [i + int(item) for item in list(set(c)) if item != True] for i, c in enumerate(check_cols) ] col_range = list(range(len(df_fail_report.columns))) # list to use .pop() cols_dropped = 0 for i in col_range: if check_cols[i] == True: # Drop the column, and add to an indexer to maintain lengths. df_fail_report.drop( df_fail_report.columns[i - cols_dropped], axis=1, inplace=True ) cols_dropped += 1 else: # Keep the column, and remove the indexes of any columns that # break the condition to keep them as well. for later_col in check_cols[i]: col_range.pop(later_col) if len(df_fail_report.columns) != 0: # Find elements in a row that are greater than following elements. check_rows = [ [ [ df_fail_report.loc[row, df_fail_report.columns[col]] <= df_fail_report.loc[row, df_fail_report.columns[col_after]] for col_after in range(len(df_fail_report.columns))[col:] ] for col in range(len(df_fail_report.columns)) ] for row in df_fail_report.index ] check_rows = [ [ True if list(set(comparison))[0] == True and len(set(comparison)) == 1 else False for comparison in i ] for i in check_rows ] check_rows = [ True if list(set(i))[0] == True and len(set(i)) == 1 else False for i in check_rows ] rows_dropped = 0 for i in range(len(df_fail_report.index)): if check_rows[i] == True: # Drop the row if no elements are greater than following ones, # and add to an indexer to maintain lengths. df_fail_report.drop( df_fail_report.index[i - rows_dropped], axis=0, inplace=True ) rows_dropped += 1 check_pass = len(df_fail_report.columns) == 0 print( f"Consistency condition based on {check_type.split('_')[0]} monotony passed:", check_pass, ) if not check_pass: print("Returning df of argument elements that failed the condition.") return df_fail_report else: return check_pass elif check_type == "share_monotony": # The fail report df has share and seat columns alternated. df_fail_report = pd.DataFrame() col = 0 for i in range(len(df_shares.columns)): df_fail_report.loc[:, col] = pd.Series( df_shares[df_shares.columns[i]], index=df_shares.index ) col += 1 df_fail_report.loc[:, col] = pd.Series( df_seats[df_seats.columns[i]], index=df_seats.index ) col += 1 # Check which share and seat columns are less than one another. check_share_rows = [ [ [ df_shares.loc[row, df_shares.columns[col]] <= df_shares.loc[row, df_shares.columns[other_col]] for other_col in range(len(df_shares.columns)) ] for col in range(len(df_shares.columns)) ] for row in df_shares.index ] check_seat_rows = [ [ [ df_seats.loc[row, df_seats.columns[col]] <= df_seats.loc[row, df_seats.columns[other_col]] for other_col in range(len(df_seats.columns)) ] for col in range(len(df_seats.columns)) ] for row in df_seats.index ] # Combine the above for indexes where the condition is met and not. check_shares_seats = [ [ [ False if check_share_rows[i][j][k] == True and check_seat_rows[i][j][k] != True else True for k in range(len(check_share_rows[0][0])) ] for j in range(len(check_share_rows[0])) ] for i in range(len(check_share_rows)) ] rows_kept = [] for i in range(len(df_fail_report.index)): row_element_checker = 0 for element_check in check_shares_seats[i]: if list(set(element_check))[0] == True and len(set(element_check)) == 1: row_element_checker += 1 if row_element_checker == len(check_shares_seats[i]): df_fail_report.drop(i, axis=0, inplace=True) else: rows_kept.append(i) # Column indexes, indexing over pairs as share and seat columns are # dropped together. col_pair_range = list(range(int(len(df_fail_report.columns) / 2))) # Indexing which columns to keep. col_pairs_to_keep = [] for r in rows_kept: for c in col_pair_range: if ( list(set(check_shares_seats[r][c]))[0] != True or len(set(check_shares_seats[r][c])) != 1 ): col_pairs_to_keep.append(c) for later_col in range(len(check_shares_seats[r][c])): if check_shares_seats[r][c][later_col] == False: col_pairs_to_keep.append(later_col) col_pairs_to_keep = list(set(col_pairs_to_keep)) # Return those columns to be dropped. cols_to_keep = [[2 * i, 2 * i + 1] for i in col_pairs_to_keep] cols_to_keep = [item for sublist in cols_to_keep for item in sublist] cols_dropped = 0 for col in range(len(df_fail_report.columns)): if col not in cols_to_keep: df_fail_report.drop( df_fail_report.columns[col - cols_dropped], axis=1, inplace=True ) cols_dropped += 1 else: ValueError( "The 'check_type' argument myst be either seat_monotony or share_monotony" ) check_pass = len(df_fail_report) == 0 print( f"Consistency condition based on {check_type.split('_')[0]} monotony passed:", check_pass, ) if not check_pass: print("Returning df of argument elements that failed the condition.") return df_fail_report else: return check_pass