Source code for poli_sci_kit.appointment.methods

Appointment Methods

Methods used to derive allocations based on received shares.

Based on
    Flynn, C. voting: Diversity / (dis)proportionality measures, election quotas, and apportionment methods in pure
    Python. (2020).

    largest_remainder (aka Hamilton, Vinton, Hare–Niemeyer)

        Options: Hare, Droop, Hagenbach–Bischoff.


        Options: Jefferson, Webster, Huntington-Hill.

from math import ceil, modf, sqrt
from operator import itemgetter
from random import shuffle

[docs]def largest_remainder( quota_style="Hare", shares=None, total_alloc=None, alloc_threshold=None, min_alloc=None, tie_break="majority", majority_bonus=False, ): r""" Apportion seats using the Largest Remainder (Hamilton, Vinton, Hare–Niemeyer) methods. Parameters ---------- quota_style : str (default=Hare) The style of quota vote-seat quota to use. Options: Each defines a divisor from which remainders are defined. For equations: q is quota, s is total shares, and a is total allocations - Hare : .. math:: q &= \frac{s}{a} Note: the simplest form of largest remainder quota. - Droop : .. math:: q &= int \biggl(\frac{s}{a + 1}\biggr) + 1 Note: favors larger groups more than the Hare quota. - Hagenbach–Bischoff : .. math:: q &= \frac{s}{a + 1} Note: favors larger groups more than the Hare quota. shares : list (default=None) A list of populations or votes for regions or parties. total_alloc : int (default=None) The number to be allocated. alloc_threshold : float (default=None) A minimum percentage of the population or votes that must be met to receive an allocation. min_alloc : int (default=None) A minimum number of allocations that each group must receive. tie_break : str (default=majority) How a tie break is done (by majority or random, with a majority tie defaulting to random). majority_bonus : bool (default=False) Whether the largest group is automatically given 50% of the vote. Returns ------- allocations : list A list of allocations in the order of the provided shares. """ assert ( alloc_threshold is None or min_alloc is None ), """Appointment methods cannot be used with both an entry threshold and a minimum seat allocation. Set one of alloc_threshold or min_alloc to None.""" def get_quota(quota_style, shares, total_alloc): if quota_style == "Hare": seat_quota = 1.0 * sum(shares) / total_alloc elif quota_style == "Droop": seat_quota = int(sum(shares) / (total_alloc + 1)) + 1 elif quota_style == "Hagenbach–Bischoff": seat_quota = 1.0 * sum(shares) / (total_alloc + 1) else: ValueError( "Invalid quota provided. Choose from Hare, Droop, or Hagenbach–Bischoff." ) return seat_quota if alloc_threshold: passed_threshold = [1.0 * s / sum(shares) > alloc_threshold for s in shares] shares = [s if passed_threshold[i] == True else 0 for i, s in enumerate(shares)] original_remainders = None if min_alloc != None and min_alloc > 0: assert ( min_alloc * len(shares) <= total_alloc ), "The sum of the minimum seats to be allocated cannot be more than the seats to be allocated." baseline_allocations = [min_alloc] * len(shares) # Save the original remainders and allocations to avoid penalization # from new divisions after minimum seat allocation. seat_quota = get_quota( quota_style=quota_style, shares=shares, total_alloc=total_alloc ) original_remainders, original_allocations = zip( *[modf(1.0 * s / seat_quota) for s in shares] ) # If possible, append the original allocations with the baseline such # that the seats for remainders are used for the minimum allocation. original_with_baseline = [ a if a >= baseline_allocations[i] else baseline_allocations[i] for i, a in enumerate(original_allocations) ] if sum(original_with_baseline) <= total_alloc: original_with_baseline = [int(a) for a in original_with_baseline] elif sum(original_with_baseline) > total_alloc: # We need to just use the baseline and assign over it. original_with_baseline = baseline_allocations total_alloc -= sum(original_with_baseline) if total_alloc == 0: return original_with_baseline seat_quota = get_quota( quota_style=quota_style, shares=shares, total_alloc=total_alloc ) remainders, allocations = zip(*[modf(1.0 * s / seat_quota) for s in shares]) if min_alloc != None and min_alloc > 0: remainders = original_remainders if ( original_with_baseline != baseline_allocations ): # we have extra allocations already # Don't allocate any more seats based on the quota. allocations = [0] * len(shares) allocations = [int(a) for a in allocations] unallocated = int(total_alloc - sum(allocations)) remainders_sorted_ids = [ i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(remainders), key=itemgetter(1)) ][::-1] last_assigned_remainder = remainders_sorted_ids[unallocated - 1] allocatable = [ i for i in remainders_sorted_ids if remainders[i] >= remainders[last_assigned_remainder] ] equal_to_last_assigned = [ i for i in allocatable if remainders[i] == remainders[last_assigned_remainder] ] # Assign for all that are greater than the last remainder to be assigned. for k in [i for i in allocatable if i not in equal_to_last_assigned][:unallocated]: allocations[k] += 1 unallocated -= 1 # Assign the last assignable remainder if there is no tie. if len(equal_to_last_assigned) == 1 and unallocated == 1: allocations[equal_to_last_assigned[0]] += 1 unallocated -= 1 # Tie break conditions. else: if tie_break == "majority": sorted_by_results = [ i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(shares), key=itemgetter(1)) if i[0] in equal_to_last_assigned ][::-1] equal_to_highest = [ i for i in sorted_by_results if shares[i] == shares[sorted_by_results[0]] ] if len(equal_to_highest) == 1: for k in range(unallocated): allocations[sorted_by_results[k]] += 1 else: # Defaults to random for those with equal allocation and remainder. tie_break = "random" if tie_break == "random": shuffle(equal_to_last_assigned) for k in range(unallocated): allocations[equal_to_last_assigned[k]] += 1 else: ValueError( f"A tie break is required for the last seat(s), and an invalid argument '{tie_break}' has been passed. Please choose from 'majority' or 'random'." ) if min_alloc: allocations = [a + original_with_baseline[i] for i, a in enumerate(allocations)] if majority_bonus and ( allocations[shares.index(max(shares))] < int(ceil(total_alloc / 2)) and len([s for s in shares if s == max(shares)]) == 1 ): non_majority_shares = [s for s in shares if s != max(shares)] reduced_seats = total_alloc - int(ceil(total_alloc / 2)) non_majority_allocations = largest_remainder( quota_style=quota_style, shares=non_majority_shares, total_alloc=reduced_seats, alloc_threshold=alloc_threshold, min_alloc=min_alloc, tie_break=tie_break, majority_bonus=False, ) # Insert majority allocation. non_majority_allocations[ shares.index(max(shares)) : shares.index(max(shares)) ] = [int(ceil(total_alloc / 2))] allocations = non_majority_allocations return allocations
[docs]def highest_averages( averaging_style="Jefferson", shares=None, total_alloc=None, alloc_threshold=None, min_alloc=None, tie_break="majority", majority_bonus=False, modifier=None, ): r""" Apportion seats using the Highest Averages (Jefferson, Webster, Huntington-Hill) methods. Parameters ---------- averaging_style : str (default=Jefferson) The style that highest averages are computed. Options: Each defines a divisor for each region or party to determines the next seat based on all previous assignments. For equations: d is divisor, s is share, and a is the number already allocated. - Jefferson : .. math:: \textrm{d}_{i} &= \frac{s_{i}}{a_{i} + 1} Note: an absolute majority always lead to an absolute majority in seats (favors large groups). - Webster : .. math:: \textrm{d}_{i} &= \frac{s_{i}}{(2 \cdot a_{i}) + 1} Note: generally the smallest deviation from ideal shares (favors medium groups). - Huntington-Hill : .. math:: \textrm{d}_{i} &= \frac{s_{i}}{\sqrt{a_{i} \cdot (a_{i} + 1)}} Note: assures that all regions or parties receive at least one vote (favors small groups). shares : list (default=None) A list of populations or votes for regions or parties. total_alloc : int (default=None) The number to be allocated. alloc_threshold : float (default=None) A minimum percentage of the population or votes that must be met to receive an allocation. min_alloc : int (default=None) A minimum number of allocations that each group must receive. tie_break : str (default=majority) How a tie break is done (by majority or random, with a majority tie defaulting to random). modifier : float (default=None) What to replace the divisor of the first quotient by to change the advantage of groups yet to receive an assignment. Note: modifiers > 1 disadvantage smaller parties, and modifiers < 1 advantage them. Returns ------- allocations : list A list of allocations in the order of the provided shares. """ assert ( alloc_threshold is None or min_alloc is None ), """Appointment methods cannot be used with both an entry threshold and a minimum seat allocation. Set one of 'alloc_threshold' or 'min_alloc' to None.""" assert ( alloc_threshold is None or averaging_style != "Huntington-Hill" ), """The Huntington-Hill method requires all groups to receive a seat, and thus cannot be used with a threshold. Set 'alloc_threshold' to None.""" if averaging_style == "Huntington-Hill" and ( min_alloc is None or min_alloc == 0 ): print( "A minimum allocation is required in the denominator of Huntington-Hill calculations." ) print("A minimum allocation of 1 will be applied.") assert ( len(shares) <= total_alloc ), "There must be at least one seat per group when using the Huntington-Hill method." min_alloc = 1 if alloc_threshold: passed_threshold = [1.0 * i / sum(shares) > alloc_threshold for i in shares] shares = [s if passed_threshold[i] == True else 0 for i, s in enumerate(shares)] if min_alloc != None and min_alloc > 0: assert ( min_alloc * len(shares) <= total_alloc ), "The sum of the minimum seats to be allocated cannot be more than the seats to be allocated." allocations = [min_alloc] * len(shares) total_alloc -= sum(allocations) if total_alloc == 0: return allocations else: allocations = [0] * len(shares) remaining_alloc = total_alloc while remaining_alloc > 0: if averaging_style == "Jefferson": if modifier: quotients = [ 1.0 * s / (allocations[i] + 1) if allocations[i] > 1 else 1.0 * s / modifier for i, s in enumerate(shares) ] else: quotients = [ 1.0 * s / (allocations[i] + 1) for i, s in enumerate(shares) ] elif averaging_style == "Webster": if modifier: quotients = [ 1.0 * s / ((2 * allocations[i]) + 1) if allocations[i] > 1 else 1.0 * s / modifier for i, s in enumerate(shares) ] else: quotients = [ 1.0 * s / ((2 * allocations[i]) + 1) for i, s in enumerate(shares) ] elif averaging_style == "Huntington-Hill": if modifier: quotients = [ 1.0 * s / sqrt(allocations[i] * (allocations[i] + 1)) if allocations[i] > 1 else 1.0 * s / modifier for i, s in enumerate(shares) ] else: quotients = [ 1.0 * s / sqrt(allocations[i] * (allocations[i] + 1)) for i, s in enumerate(shares) ] else: print( f"'{averaging_style}' is not a supported highest averages method. Please choose from 'Jefferson', 'Webster', or 'Huntington-Hill'." ) print( "Naming conventions for methods differ across regions, with United States naming conventions used in poli-sci-kit." ) print( """US assignment method name conversions: Jeffersion : D'Hondt, Hagenbach-Bischoff (includes entry quota) Webster : Sainte-Laguë, Major Fraction Huntington-Hill : Equal Proportions""" ) return # Find those indexes that have a maximum quotient to check if a tie break # is needed. max_quotient_indexes = [ q[0] for q in enumerate(quotients) if q[1] == max(quotients) ] # Normal assignment to all that have the max quotient. if len(max_quotient_indexes) <= remaining_alloc: for i in max_quotient_indexes: allocations[i] += 1 remaining_alloc -= len(max_quotient_indexes) # Tie break conditions. elif len(max_quotient_indexes) > remaining_alloc: if tie_break == "majority": sorted_by_results = [ i[0] for i in sorted(enumerate(shares), key=itemgetter(1)) if i[0] in max_quotient_indexes ][::-1] equal_to_highest = [ i for i in sorted_by_results if shares[i] == shares[sorted_by_results[0]] ] if len(equal_to_highest) == 1: allocations[sorted_by_results[0]] += 1 remaining_alloc -= 1 else: # Defaults to random for those with equal allocation and remainder. tie_break = "random" if tie_break == "random": shuffle(max_quotient_indexes) allocations[max_quotient_indexes[0]] += 1 remaining_alloc -= 1 else: ValueError( f"A tie break is required for the last seat(s), and an invalid argument '{tie_break}' has been passed. Please choose from 'majority' or 'random'." ) if majority_bonus and ( not allocations[shares.index(max(shares))] >= int(ceil(total_alloc / 2)) and len([s for s in shares if s == max(shares)]) == 1 ): non_majority_shares = [s for s in shares if s != max(shares)] reduced_seats = total_alloc - int(ceil(total_alloc / 2)) non_majority_allocations = highest_averages( averaging_style=averaging_style, shares=non_majority_shares, total_alloc=reduced_seats, alloc_threshold=alloc_threshold, min_alloc=min_alloc, tie_break=tie_break, majority_bonus=False, modifier=modifier, ) # Insert majority allocation. non_majority_allocations[ shares.index(max(shares)) : shares.index(max(shares)) ] = [int(ceil(total_alloc / 2))] allocations = non_majority_allocations return allocations